I often feel that I’m a unique individual in the present globalized time, who hates to chat. I believe that words can actually stop a war if used correctly. All you need is the correct way of starting a conversation. It can also be about choosing the right person to make a particular conversation.
We the homo sapiens-sapiens are constructed in such a manner that we need that warmth and feel of the person to make a bond. We need this for any relation outside our families, (nowadays) also within your family. Therefore, it is always insisted that we indulge in social gatherings, meet people and keep in touch to maintain relationships.
Does communication help relationships work?
Nowadays, we actually do not communicate with the people around us, but only limit our conversation to social media updates. I think that’s just a chat, but not a conversation. At least not the conversation that matters. We need to really stop doing this. Communication is the only tool which has been proven to support relationships. You just come in contact with the help of the social media, but to maintain that, you need effective communication or else the connection will be lost, in the same manner, it came.
The only problem today is that people have been superfluously busy that they do have time to fling around with people, watch Netflix, but not to sit down and have a talk about non-trivial stuff. They do not even credit for their own words. Social media is so much appreciated that when real relations are at stake, then something is wrong somewhere else is more crucial. This is making us detached from our real ties. We choose to see the updates then updating the person we are involved with or even updating with family or our closest peers. We have forgotten the importance of communication.
Communication OR miscommunication?
Social media can be the most significant source of miscommunicating. You can consider social media as alcohol. You feel good when you are on the top of things, but experience lows when off from social media.
We forget the importance of the meeting, talking and calling people and asking them “how are you”. Instead, we prefer typing that on FB, Insta, or whatsapp. In acronised words and are ok getting a response after hours. Many times we don’t even get a reply.
We term people as introvert or extrovert. But due to social media, we can say that we all have become introvert. More in, we fear to communicate in person than over social media. We have forgotten that to maintain any relationship, and we need to talk, i.e. communicate. Maybe, we have started preferring social media, because we need an excuse. People think that not giving reply makes you look busy. When, on the other hand, they are busy uploading stories on their social media accounts.
Solving the communication problem
In today’s culture, the biggest problem is of communication in the family and interpersonal relationships, especially the latter one. The most critical factor for stability is to talk, meet (even if for a while) and observe responses on different types of communication to develop the bond. It is always said that your face doesn’t lie, which is maybe right, because your face can mirror your personality. What you cannot say, your face says it all. However, when you do not have the presence of the person, you eventually lose the bond, even before you created. This does not mean you part ways, but it’s definitely an alarm for taking hold of your relations.
So, next time, make sure you sit, talk and meet. This is because the most excellent medicine for any relationship is communication and understanding. Let your voice and eyes bring magic into your relationships.
What you think ? Is not communication important for us in today’s time? share your experiences with us at contact@aarthalife.in in the comments section below.
Happy musings!
Communication is essence of life. N naw a days all the feelings are expressed in emojis that all.
Results, it had become machenical work
Good communication can only underStand correct feeling .which naw a days even misssing out at home