I always fail to understand what we are living for. Can anyone answer this question?
It is said, we are Lord’s best creation on this planet. Also, we are the only creatures that can feel, think, love, understand and progress, by ourselves. Then, why are we somewhere not happy, or not improving or failing to progress?
The world of expectations
This can be because we have created a world of the highest expectations ever made. We are running somewhere, where we hope to get it, but are not sure to get it. We have built the best of technologies, infrastructures, innovation, but we are not the best form of ourselves. Or, maybe we can put it down as we are told that we can do better? More fruitful to society or us?
For that, we have to give proof through our existence. We are not allowed to fail, to take breaks, or to break the pattern. In this so-called modern and innovative world have forgotten that we are the one to build it. However, we have not been blessed with this world, but cursed. Then, why do we doubt ourselves that we need to prove our existence every single day? Is this because of the balance that we have not been able to keep between our social and the practical world? By practical world here, I mean the work life. Or, is that the reason why we have forgotten the basic rule of life? Why do we think that we can replace anyone we want to? Moreover, we know we can be replaced by anyone, as well.
Why do we have to prove?
This fear of being replaced forces us to prove every single day. We have become self-centric where we no longer celebrate life and want to take things by the way we want. We forget to consider others. This has brought us to the situation of having to prove every single day.
We are not ready to give an exception to the people because we have been living in a fast world where everything has to keep moving: fast food, technologies, work, progress, and relations. Everything goes at a rapid pace. Because of this, we are getting replaced everywhere. We have to prove our worth every single day. Being competitive is good. You have to be, but being afraid to lose, then being competitive is a bad idea. To prove that you are worthy of even competing is a bad idea. To confirm your identity, every single day is also a bad idea.
How long can we keep proving our worth?
We forgot that life is not a competition. We tend to forget that life and living are two different things. We are not taught to love our work, or maybe we don’t get a chance of doing what we love. There has been a study by the scholars that the people who love their work are more successful than people who work for the sake of working.
This is a bit different when it comes to your personal life. Or, should I say, romantic or love life. Because we have to prove every day at work, we have started demanding proofs in our personal lives, as well. We have become rude, unkind and less considerate. Because of this, we often go through rapid heart-breaks. We don’t want to give proofs but only demand about it. As per economics, if demand exceeds supply, then there is scarcity of the product because you can’t keep getting without giving anything in return.
The Solution
We cannot get up every day and prove the people that we are better so that they keep us in there lives. Because if the person asks for the same, that means they will doubt us for the entire life and they will never be satisfied.
The best thing, in my view, is that you are not enough for anyone, but only for yourselves. The reason being, when you know what you are doing or what you have done is the best you can in any manner, then you will stop proving. The reason is, every human being has a different perspective on the way they live. It all depends on you, What you want to take and what you want to leave.
So next time, when someone asks you to prove anything, ask yourselves a few questions :
How important is that person who is asking for the proof of any kind?
How long will you have to prove it to the same person at different levels?
If you answer these questions, I think then you will be in a better position to explain anything and everything.
share your experiences with us at contact@aarthalife.in in the comments section below.
Happy musings!
I liked this post on the grounds that is shows the partical problems faced by everyone relating to status view.. Everyone what’s themselves to be the point of attraction and hence achieving that we fail to follow comman sense or decency..
This post will help you to understand such issues and find a solution..