Everyone wants to be perfect because we have been taught since childhood that perfection is everything.

Now can you please define perfection, your way? 

All these definitions that you say or think in your mind are often someone else’s opinion. Have you ever tried to find out what perfection truly means? You wouldn’t have been able to, right? The reason being the definition of perfection differs from person to person, as well as from situation to situation. Therefore, the perfect description of perfection is based on perception.

Perfection and acceptance

We have always been coming across perfection, bringing you acceptance. Whose acceptance, would you ask? The entire world? From the people, we may have never met, or are never going to meet? Approval of whom? We can say that it’s for the society who might never stand for me.

At times, being perfect can also mean proving your parents you can do things they might not have achieved. At times it may be to not hurt them for what they think is perfect for you. But for proving this, or making them happy about something they believe to be not even relevant, or maybe its relevance has decreased over time. Or, perhaps you can say that understanding of the things has changed over time for you. Your priorities have changed over time in life. Or maybe your definition of perfection has changed over time. 

Pleasing others

People think of us as perfect when we please them or act as per their approval. They will not accept us if we go just even half a step beyond that. Everyone wants things as per their rules. No one wants to do something more for anything or anyone even little more. People don’t also release that the perfect definition of them may not be the same for the other person.

The Unseen Unexplained Burden of being perfect

Being perfect or proving to be perfect to the people around us and in general has always proved to be the biggest stress and burden over us. This has always been the fact that in race of being perfect we tend to forget our self and try to be what is being Expected by us. Being self is more important than being perfect is what has fainted away. We forgot the famous saying that “You cannot keep everyone happy but only ourselves.” For people to call us perfect or appreciate us we forgot that what makes us feel perfect. It’s very important for us that what makes you feel perfect about yourself is more important than the validation by others.

Every person is still in search of the perfect person for them. But in this search, they tend to forget that they are not perfect for someone else, the same way someone else is not perfect for them.

Tell us if you have ever have felt the burden of being perfect , how did you cope up with that , share your experiences with us at contact@aarthalife.in 

Understand yourself, stay fit and keep musing! 

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