Humans are unique species, having capabilities to empathize, socialize and analyze. Still, we stumble upon the smallest of the things in our lives. Often, these are not even our concerns, but just for the sake of getting occupied.

I believe, sometimes, we love to pass our judgements on other’s thoughts and actions. This entertainment, we provide ourselves for free.

Not understanding people’s feelings

We refuse to understand people and fail to empathize with their feelings. This is because understanding needs a lot of our time and efforts. More importantly, this is not a mode of entertainment we tend to enjoy. Judging is easy! It doesn’t require a significant amount of efforts. But we forget that when we judge people, it negatively impacts the mental health of the receiver.

It is the difference of classes, categories, colour, religion and region that roughly segregates us. This often makes it difficult for us to live with our fellow mates in society, peacefully and calmly. Judging others and bullying them is the most prominent social evil of modern society. It crushes us deep inside our souls. We being ignorant of this very fact that it is destroying us.

Why we simply love to judge?

We generally judge people on two occasions. Firstly, when we want plain entertainment and secondly when we see someone more successful than us. Success barometer that too, is defined by the society. In both situations, it is we who are scared to focus on ourselves. We find out ways to focus on others so that our life is being also sidelined, because we do not have to deal with the negativity in our lives.

Of the two situations I just mentioned, the second one shows our actual weakness, and what have we made the society. We cannot tolerate people being happier or more content than us.

The Judgement and the Judged

We need to respect people for their work. Work accomplished needs a lot of struggle. Therefore, it should be treated with respect and dignity rather than judging them things, not under their control.

We also need to avoid being affected by other’s judgements. Listening to opinions about self is also like listening to praises about self. It won’t last long in our mental space, and we need to understand that as well. If we let it affect us for an extended period, it affects our confidence and self-respect. We cling to work that makes us fear or thing that we may fail, and then people will judge us about that very failure. It is also possible that at times, we end up giving completely about the particular aspects, because of fear of being judged by the people.

We detest examining our lives and working towards our weaknesses. It’s always said “That compete so that you know your stand in this world.” It’s a lie. Examine your work, your life, face questions, and more over work hard. Your life is worth giving examples, each one of you, whether you are on either side of the story.

We are more concerned with what people are doing than what are we doing, or how productive we are? By judging, we show our weakness of not learning from their success or failures. Our focus should be, how to make our life worth by these lessons of failure and stories of success.

We do learn from our mistakes, but we might not be able to do on this process for a lifetime. Where every mistake does teach us something, it also drains out a lot of emotions and impacts our physical and behavioral state. And, we cannot afford to do it for a lifetime if we are getting to learn from others. So instead of judging people, if we start looking as a way of better learning from others, beginning to find our worth, we would have many leaders and less of followers. Being a follower is not bad, but the world needs more Leaders in any form, always. And remember, a Leader is not the one who has followers, but the one who gives Leaders to the society.  

Let us know if you ever been judged for your work. How did it affect you and how did you cope up with that? share your experiences with us at  in the comments section below.

Happy musings! 

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