These days, people are fascinated with the idea of complicating their lives. However, such people are also preachers of the concept of keeping life plain and simple. With these double standards, complexity is perceived as intelligence, and difficult people are perceived as intelligent. It is also believed that such individuals are curious, non-conservative, conventional, and rational.

Renowned psychologist Carl Jung defined “complex” in personality as a fixation around a set of ideas or behavioral patterns. We do say that keeping life straight is what helps us in being calm and mentally balanced. But it’s interesting to accept that not many of us practice as we preach. In a way, complexity adds drama to our lives that we are somewhat attracted to.

Let’s see how people make things complicated:

  1. Over information

The main reason I see in people who love to make their life complicated is having too much information related to anything in life. Such information overdose makes them mentally drained and confused in taking the smallest or the biggest decisions in life. They sit and overanalyze each and every factor which makes the easiest of things complicated. So having information is good but too much is always too bad, in anything. 

  • Confusion

This results from the first reason. When people get too much information on anything, they sit and analyze the entire information irrespective the information is relevant or not. And, when having so much information causes confusion as to what information is to be processed and what to be discarded. They get so confused while processing information that they end up confusing all the people around them.

  • Finding mirror images

Another recipe for complexity is getting the opinions of people who are their mirror images. We always look for like-minded people who are exactly like us. We do this because we think we are perfect. However, we may be perfect in our lives but everyone has flaws.  So, even if we succeed in finding someone just like us, then we will never be able to grow mentally. The basic point is when every member of one family is not a mirror image, why do we expect someone to get one outside?

Why do we want to limit ourselves in our life?

Why are we so scared to accept the change or perception of someone else?   

  • Sticking to one’s own perception of life

Here’s another way to complexity in individuals. People are very reluctant to part ways with their own perception or their own thought process. They feel that their perception of life is related to the information that we gather. They are too scared to change their perception because they think that it might change them at their very core. But isn’t change inevitable? Is it not necessary to grow in life mentally?

  • Reluctance to accept the perception or experience of others

We are so stubborn in our own perception of life that we actually switch off the mode of hearing about other people’s views. We are reluctant to give the opportunity to ourselves to know about people and to develop close relationships or bonds. And, when someone tries to give their perceptive on certain things in the discussion, we start to defend ourselves even when the intention of the other person is just to put their views on the table. Why are we so scared of having people in our lives of different viewpoints? Getting an answer to this might just reduce our life’s complexity to some extent.

Here are some solutions to reducing complexity:

  1. Build small bridges

The first step to making life easy is to build a small bridge to understand different perspectives in life. When we start to accept small changes we get better at accepting the bigger picture. Listening to other people’s opinions can also help in building trust.

  • Stop making assumptions

The second step is to stop making assumptions both, on behalf of other people and about other people. We need to stop assuming about people based on our brief knowledge of them. When we stop assuming, we give ourselves an opportunity to get a new perspective and help us understand better.    

  • Embrace change and difference in option

We should always be accepting of our difference in opinion with others. When we embrace the difference of options and have the capacity to hear, we also learn to be patient in life. Moreover, building patience will also help us to learn to grow mentally and broaden our mindset to embrace more.

Thus, complexity is not the synonym for wisdom, but the absence of it can certainly lead to wise decisions. When we take effective steps in reducing complexity, we derive strength, confidence, and determination to believe that “every storm will pass someday”.

So, people, nothing is complicated if roll up your selves and go for the solution and stop making things complicated because at the end of the day, ‘Everything is Figureoutable’

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