What’s reel and what’s real these days?
The most significant conflict, I believe people have started facing recently. We are ourselves not sure whether we are real or reel. Have you ever considered, why this question exists or how this problem evolved?
What makes us drift towards the reel?
The fear of being judged and the extra exposure to social media can force us to become reel. We feel what the majority do is the right thing or the best. We start doubting ourselves and start imitating others in return for their acceptance.
We feel that if the people around us, especially the people on social media, in contact with us, do not accept us or disagree with our “successful” existence. We are made to believe that there will be somethings lacking in us or we’ll be considered to have no sense in things or to live a life.
Actually, the problem with people is that they get carried away by social media and its antiques.
What is the Effect of reel on real life
The effect of being reel ourselves is that we have got the trust issues in our real life. People no longer trust the other person because we our-self know how we be on social media and what we show to the world. We know that we cannot trust what we see on the social media as we know what we do. The people who do not use much of social media, leave different kind of life, they do not face this trust issues with people. We started using filters in our real life because we are so used to use filters in reel life.
When what we do is different from what we show
If one posts something good. I mean, what the majority considers suitable, then everyone gets into a competition to do the same. But why? It may be possible that the person may be lying, or that person is not in a comfortable space. Therefore, the person might be acting in a specific manner to make themselves feel happy. They often emphasize on how many likes, comments or shares they get. The problem here is that people have got too much into competing with others that they forget to compete with themselves, or even complete themselves. They forgot that they have to feel best from within, to feel better than someone else.
Whose reel is it?
We feel good when we resemble to be someone else. We have found comfort in our reel. Of course, we shouldn’t blame social media entirely certainly, because we are the one who is on these social mediums. We should be taking the blame of becoming more judgmental towards people. We feel what the majority do or say is true and trending. We can quickly lose the capacity to use our brains. We think that what is only projected on social media is the only truth. We don’t like to take the pain of exploring the real world.
I agree that you can’t be real on social media, but this has somewhere down the line affected us in real life that we live. We spend so much time on social media that we get carried away with the same behaviour in real life and on a daily basis. This can take a toll on all our relationships. We no longer have the courage to accept what the people say around us because we can’t tolerate the truth.
This problem of being real or reel is not just limited to the use of social media or something for the world. Unfortunately, it has also taken place in our actual life. We, sometimes without thinking for the matter of consideration, have started behaving the reel way in our real life. We need to seriously ask this question, how long will be able to sustain this amount of reel behavior in our lives? How far can reel take you in the world of real people with real feelings?
To being with lets start being real in reel life and stop using filters in reel life so that we shed the difference of reel and real.
Let us know how to differentiate between reel and real. share your experiences with us at contact@aarthalife.in in the comments section below.
Happy musings!
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