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A platform to share experiences, increase mental health awareness, and provide comfort and support.

Marriage: For you or for them | Part One

Marriage: For you or for them | Part One

What is marriage ? Older generations might call it “settlement”. But for millennials, it can be “the thing which f**ks you entirely even if you don’t want to give a f**k about it”. For millennials,...

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The Truth about Ghosting

The Truth about Ghosting

“He suddenly stopped calling me or messaging me, why is he ignoring me? Have I done anything wrong or hurt him? What do you think?” This was one of the main questions that one of my client AZM asked...

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Same headache, Different medicine

Same headache, Different medicine

Can you compare tomatoes to potatoes? It is challenging to understand a person by another person’s life experiences. Which, I believe, is absolutely right! We cannot know entirely a person in a...

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The Humbleness Nectar

The Humbleness Nectar

What does being humble mean? There can be different interpretations attached to being humble! Let’s un-wrap the meaning of the term. Being humble can mean not being arrogant about your origins,...

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