Our Blog

A platform to share experiences, increase mental health awareness, and provide comfort and support.

Does Social Media Impacts real life?

Does Social Media Impacts real life?

How many friends do you have on social media?  I guess, not less at least 300 on Facebook or Instagram. Might be 50 here and there, but definitely hovering around that number. Now think, when...

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Is Honesty the best policy?

Is Honesty the best policy?

You might have often heard this precept, “HONESTY is expensive. Don’t expect it from cheap people.” Very well said! But how many people actually value that? No one. Being honest can mean being...

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How to know: What is real and reel?

How to know: What is real and reel?

What’s reel and what’s real these days? The most significant conflict, I believe people have started facing recently. We are ourselves not sure whether we are real or reel.  Have you ever...

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Do hell and heaven exist?

Do hell and heaven exist?

Frankly, it’s all in your hands! We often use a term without understanding its seriousness. We also fail to understand the repercussions it can have on life, ours and others. Consider phrases like...

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Should we prove to survive or survive to prove?

Should we prove to survive or survive to prove?

I always fail to understand what we are living for. Can anyone answer this question? It is said, we are Lord’s best creation on this planet. Also, we are the only creatures that can feel, think,...

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No Judgements, Please!

No Judgements, Please!

Humans are unique species, having capabilities to empathize, socialize and analyze. Still, we stumble upon the smallest of the things in our lives. Often, these are not even our concerns, but just...

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The biggest misconception! Mistakes human beings make! You satisfy your egos with false beliefs, over-assumed stereotypes. You might have heard this, “Ignorance is bliss”. I fail to understand, why...

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“I am fine.” How many times have you said this statement? Is it just a word or feeling or emotion? Now, let’s analyze this question. How are you? I often feel we don’t wish to know the answer to...

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What is fear? Fear is an emotion that makes you human. Yes, you hear it right. You might have always perceived fear, as an unpleasant emotion which occurs as the result of threats that are perceived...

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Perfection is a perception

Perfection is a perception

Everyone wants to be perfect because we have been taught since childhood that perfection is everything. Now can you please define perfection, your way?  All these definitions that you say or...

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Marriage: For you or for them | Part Two

Marriage: For you or for them | Part Two

In our last blog, we discussed how getting married is considered a sign of maturity in India. We also discussed that marriage is more of a family pressure based goal and less of a choice based...

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