Lost in the flurry of daily existence

Because of how quickly time is passing, we frequently overlook the things for which we should be grateful and focus on the wrong things. We may learn things quickly but regret them even more quickly as time goes on. We don’t pause for a second to genuinely express our gratitude for what we have.

In the bustle of my life, I neglected to express my thanks and apologies to a few people in my life, so I’m writing this now to make up for it. At some times in our lives, we have a propensity to take things for granted, but I would also like to emphasise that it is not intentional to do so. We truly value them as family and don’t take them for granted, but we do know they’ll be there. And it’s in our inclination to believe that we can always turn to our families if we make a mistake. But occasionally we are mistaken. We should at least take a moment to express our gratitude to them, say thank you and apologise. I believe that is all they require. This is an effort to show my feelings to those in my life who I may have taken for granted.

An unsigned letter

Returning to my plan to write this to few people in my life, I must admit that I have never been very confident when it comes to doing so. Considering they are aware of the numerous ways in which I am appreciative of them, my parents and my younger brother are the most significant individuals in my life. I would want to express my gratitude for their presence and my sincere regrets for my behaviour as a sometimes nasty and obnoxious child. They have been in thick and thin and always being my first school in life.

Next, I’ll mention the people who have influenced me and taught me how to be self-reliant. Mrs. Rutu Ma’am is my psychology professor at the community college. A person who was my first mentor and who stressed the value of mental wellness. My decision to persuade mental health awareness organisation was driven entirely by her.

My friends, Nandini, Akshay, and Ojasvi who have stood by me throughout times of difficulty and shown me uncritical support, without judgments. Over the years, these folks have turned into family. Each of them has helped me in a different way and at a different stage of life. They are the ones I can reach out to on the phone whenever I want to. At different points in my life, every one of them has helped me and been there for me, despite the fact that I well understand that not everyone can always be there for me.

It is said that good things stored for the last so finally, I would like to offer my sincere gratitude to Gaurav. After my family and friends, he has been one of the most understanding and passive people I have ever met. who, for the past couple of years, has been my inspiration, who has been motivating me for a few years, and I never really paused to thank him enough for the same or even enough sorry. Through this, I would like to express my admiration to him and ask for forgiveness for any blunders that have occurred.

A personal tie is necessary for personal relationships.

People frequently advise, “Don’t restrict yourself to expressing your gratitude, thankfulness, or regret once a year”. But my impression is that, occasionally, a gesture is sufficient to convey these messages to close friends. I’m not saying you shouldn’t say it, which is why I’m writing this letter. However, when you mention that, it signifies that we are aware of them. Continually claiming that it formalises the connections. Some interactions with people are always personal.

It is always said that you should be grateful and write in your journals at night. But today, I sincerely want to express my gratitude to everyone who helped and couldn’t., and I am very grateful to all of them. I may have not mentioned all the people who are there but there are other people who have contributed a lot in many ways.  

In an effort to express my gratitude and acknowledge their contributions to my life, I am making this earnest effort. This is intended to persuade people to write letters of apology and gratitude to their loved ones. List the people you are grateful to along with their names in the comment section. Let them know their contributions and express gratitude, please.

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